How is Black tea made?
A tea also made from the leaves of camellia sinensis, a small shrub which is planted and takes approximately three years before it starts producing leaves and takes approximately five years. After the aforementioned period the plucking can begin after which the process for the manufacturing of black tea takes place. Black tea, is also known as CTC tea. CTC spells out to be crush, tear and curl. First the tea leaves are wilted and dried out to reduce the content of moisture in the tea leaves and the process takes approximately eight hours for the same. After the process of withering the leaves are rolled with the help of machines with the intent to oxidise. Oxidisation of the tea leaves is extremely important as during the process the leaves release oils which then react with the oxygen to develop flavour and aroma.
Why is it called Black Tea?
Black Tea has derived its name due to its process of oxidation. In this the leaves are put through the process of fermentation which is done at a controlled temperature and to strengthen the flavour of the tea. The process of oxidisation and fermentation help the tea get their reddish/ brown colour and is referred to as black tea.
Tea and it’s relevance in every household
Tea is a favourite of every household and the look out for the best CTC in India a or the options to buy black tea online is increasing on an everyday basis. The other method of making black tea is without rolling the leaves and having it asCTC Leaf Tea. Our black teas are the classiest and are classified as one of the best CTC teas in India, with the superb blends.
How to select the best CTC Tea in India?When selecting CTC tea or black tea what is utmost important is that you keep in mind the. Strength of the tea you like. Normally in Indian households, we prefer a strong tea or very commonly known as a“Kadak chai”. When you make a purchase forblack tea onlineit is necessary that you check where the tea leaves are from. The best tea leaves are from that of the Himalayan foothills i.e. Assam and Darjeeling.Leafboxprocures it’s tea leaves from a single estate which is indeed the most superior quality. Our teas do not consist of any kinds of preservatives or artificial flavours which further makes out tea superior to those commonly available in the market.
What are the different varieties of Black Tea?
The most common and the most loved varieties ofBlack Teasare the plain black tea which Leafbox callsAssam Premium Chaiand the other super loved variant is Masala chai which Leafbox calls Assam Masala Chai. Both these teas are perfect for every Indian household and specially for the Indians who need to travel a lot but simply love their tea and refuse to make a compromise in the same, for them we have there is no blessing better than that of our tea bags. Convenient and easy to carry and there you have your favourite tea a imply at the click of your finger tip.
What is Black Tea or CTC Tea?
Black Tea or CTC Tea is made out of the leaves of camellia senisi, after putting the leaves through the process of crush, tear and curl.
Is Black Tea healthy and good for you?
Yes, black tea is healthy for you. It is even healthier when consumed without adding milk and sugar to it.
Is Black Tea good for weight loss?
As Black Tea consists of caffeine, it does help with weight loss as it triggers your metabolism and the caffeine gives you an extra boost of energy which would help you in burning fat.
What’s the difference between the main varieties of Tea?
There are more than 3000 varieties of Teas in the world, however, the most famous and the most popularly consumed teas are black tea, green tea, oolong tea, silver needle white tea and matcha tea.
What is the difference between Black Tea and Red Tea?
Black Tea and Red Tea are the same thing, however, they are known by different names in different regions. In China, it is commonly known as red tea as the tea leaves their emit a reddish colour when brewed and in the western countries these leaves emit a darker brownish blackish colour, hence known as black tea.
Can Black Tea be consumed with milk?
Yes, in maximum households black tea is consumed with milk and sugar and it gives a light brown colour.
What is the best way to brew black tea?
At Leafbox we believe that the best way to consume black tea is to boil water for approximately 3-4 mins, after which you can simply open a sachet of our Assam Masala Chai or Assam Premium Tea and dip it in for 2 minutes and voila you have the perfect cup of black tea for yourself.